- Introduction to MS PROJECTS
- Introduction to projects management
- Understanding projects
- What’s new in MS PROJECTS
- Creating and defining projects
- Creating new projects
- Saving a project
- Task
- Gantt chart view
- Entering task using the task information dialogue box
- Calendars
- How calendars work
- Setting options and applying calendars
- Setting exceptions to working times
- The importance of calendars
- Organizing task
- Working with task duration estimate and dependencies
- Task type
- Setting task duration
- Recurring task
- Summary task
- Subtasks
- Projects phases
- Moving task
- The WBS code
- Task start and finishing dates
- Estimating task duration
- Using a pert analysis to estimate task duration
- Linking task using the gannt chart view
- Creating dependencies
- Adding lag or lead time to linked dependencies
- Working with deadlines, constraints, and task calendars
- Creating and modifying deadlines
- Creating and modify task calendars
- Modifying task constraints
- Modifying task calendars
- Identifying critical task
- Working with task driver
- Working with resources
- Adding resources to the resource sheet
- Adding in cost
- The resource calendar
- Assigning resources to tasks
- Resources management0
- acquiring the right resources